The result that gunes underscore, efficiency of OLS estimators, is valid among unbiased estimators. The RIDGE estimator induce bias in the estimates but can achieve lower MSE. See the start of the story that bring at the theorem that you cited (bias-variance tradeoff). At practical level RIDGE estimator is useful in prediction, mainly in context of big data (many predictors). In this context the out of sample performance of naive OLS regression are usually poorer than the RIDGE one.
uploading: the question/title is:
Mean squared error of OLS smaller than Ridge?
then, in order to contextualize and remove ambiguity, we have to consider not only his explanation but also the argument that Aristide Herve suggested in the comment to gunes (the first) answer (Gauss Markov theorem and another theorem [1.2 pag 15] in those lecture note [;Lecture]; unfortunately the link was deleted by he). My reply was based on those consideration.
The definition of MSE can be written on estimation of parameters or predicted values ( but from the above arguments the relevant here is that related to parameters. Then:
$MSE(\hat{\beta})=E[(\hat{\beta} - \beta)^2 ]$ given $\beta$ (true value)
note that at least in those definition the sample split train/test is not considered. All data are considered. Moreover the term $bias^2$ emerge.
Now from the lecture note we can check that for $\lambda>0$
$E[\hat{\beta}_{RIDGE}] \neq \beta$ then it is a biased estimator
$V[\hat{\beta}_{RIDGE}] < V[\hat{\beta}_{OLS}]$
and for some value of $\lambda>0$
$MSE[\hat{\beta}_{RIDGE}] < MSE[\hat{\beta}_{OLS}]$
infact we can read (pag 16):
Theorem 1.2 can also be used to conclude on the biasedness of the ridge regression estimator. The Gauss-Markov theorem (Rao, 1973) states (under some assumptions) that the ML regression estimator is the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) with the smallest MSE. As the ridge regression estimator is a linear estimator and outperforms (in terms ofMSE) this ML estimator, it must be biased (for it would otherwise refute the Gauss-Markov theorem).
for OLS the same consideration hold.
Therefore the reply of gunes
That is correct because $b_{OLS}$ is the minimizer of MSE by definition.
is wrong, and the consideration of develarist
like gunes said, the hastie quote applies to out-of-sample (test) MSE,
whereas in your question you are showing us in-sample (training) MSE,
which Hastie is not referring to.
is wrong too, the Gauss Markov theorem do not consider the sample split and the no bias condition is crucial there (
Therefore: Mean squared error of OLS smaller than Ridge? No, not always. It depends on the value of $\lambda$.
Now remain to say what went wrong in the computation of Aristide Herve. There are at least two problems. The first is that his suggestion are referred to $MSE$ in parameters estimation sense while your computation is focused on fitted/predicted values. In the last sense is usual to refers on Expected Prediction Error ($EPE$) and not on the Residual Sum of Square ($RSS$). Actually, for any linear model, is not possible to minimize $RSS$ more than OLS case. The explanation/comments of gunes sound like this and it is correct in this sense; however the minimization of $MSE$ is not the same thing.
More important, in order to check the $MSE$ capability of several techniques or models in theoretical ground we have to consider the true model also, then to know the bias. Aristide Herve procedure do not consider this element, therefore cannot be adequate.
Finally we can also note that something like “in sample MSE” written on fitted values, that Dave, develarist and gunes refers on, have a dubious meaning. Infact in the spirit of $MSE$ we must to take into account the bias also, as I already said specification matters, while if we are focused only on residuals (in sample errors) it cannot emerge. Worse, regardless the linearity of the estimated model is always possible to achieve a perfect in sample fit, then to achieve “in sample MSE=0”. This discussion give us the last clarifications: Is MSE decreasing with increasing number of explanatory variables?
infact Cagdas Ozgenc show there that $MSE$ should be intended as population
metrics and
$E[\hat{MSE_{in}}]<MSE$ (downward biased, after all this is obvious)
while $E[\hat{MSE_{out}}]=MSE$
therefore $\hat{MSE_{in}}$ is not what we need. This conclude the story.