When running an 'event study' diff in diff, i.e. :
$y_{i,t} = \sum_{k\neq-1}\beta_k *1\{t=k\} + \lambda_t + \mu_i +error$
where i is a group level(i.e. individual, county etc). and t is time, $\lambda_t$ are time fixed effects and $\mu$ are group fixed effects, and $\beta$ are the event study coefficients, i.e. the diff in diff between event year k relative to event year t=-1, one year before treatment.
When i typically run this specification, I run into errors with my confidence intervals being extremely large for each of the $\beta$'s.
Is there a well defined formula for the standard errors of each coefficient from the treatment effects in the event-study set up? are higher standard errors usually just problem of few observations used to identify each coefficient? I am just curious of the formula so i can think more systematically about what could be driving the high variability of my estimates