Consider the scenario in which a dataset has two grouping variables (say group 1 and group 2), and a time variable $x$. I would like to understand the difference between the following two models:
m1: lmer(y ~ fixed_component + ( 1 + x | g1 ) + ( 1 + x | g2 )
m2: lmer(y ~ fixed_component + ( 1 + x | g1 ) + ( 1 + x | g2:g1 )
For the first one, the statistical model implied is:
$$ y_{ijk} = \text{fixed component} + (u_{jI} + v_{kI}) + (u_{jS} + v_{kS})x_i + \text{error} $$ where $x_i$ is the time variable for the $i$-th observation, for group 1 $=j$ and group 2 $=k$, and where $I,S$ denote intercept and slope random effects respectively, and where $$ \begin{bmatrix}u_{jI} \\ u_{jS}\end{bmatrix} \sim N \left ( \begin{bmatrix}0 \\ 0\end{bmatrix} , \begin{bmatrix}\sigma^2_{uI} & \rho_U\sigma_{uI} \sigma_{uS} \\ \rho_U\sigma_{uI} \sigma_{uS} & \sigma^2_{uS}\end{bmatrix} \right ) $$ $$ \begin{bmatrix}v_{kI} \\ v_{kS}\end{bmatrix} \sim N \left ( \begin{bmatrix}0 \\ 0\end{bmatrix} , \begin{bmatrix}\sigma^2_{vI} & \rho_V\sigma_{vI} \sigma_{vS} \\ \rho_V\sigma_{vI} \sigma_{vS} & \sigma^2_{vS}\end{bmatrix} \right ) $$ where the two vectors are independent.
I am confused about what statistical model we have for the second lmer
formulation though, since in that model we restrict the second random effects to model the residuals remaining after the first group is accounted for.
edit: Assume that the nested group is not coded uniquely. So e.g. group1 is school1, school2, school3,.., and group2 is class1, class2, class3,...
I know that the second model will be
$$ y_{ijk} = \text{fixed component} + (u_{jI} + v_{jkI}) + (u_{jS} + v_{jkS})x_i + \text{error} $$ and I know that the distribution of $[u_{jI}, u_{jS}]^T$ will not differ, but what about the distribution of $[v_{jkI}, v_{jkS}]^T$ ?