I want to perform a model with multiple independent variables and 2 random effects to see their effects on clutch size.
This is a plot of my response variable.
My model
Clutch ~ temperature + I(temperature ^2) + rain + I(rain^2) + femalesize + FemaleAge + I(FemaleAge^2) + (1|YEAR) + (1|IDFemale)
I've seen a lot of ways to deal with this kin of distribution but i'm not sure which one is the best approch.
- linear mixed-effects model
- glmm with poisson distribution
- glmm with truncated Poisson distribution
- cumulative link mixed model
- tranform clutch size into binomial data (0 = clutch of one, 1 = clutch of 2 or 3)
Results between clmm and lmm are pretty similar. But glmm with poisson distribution are really different.
PS: when I check the diagnostic plot with DHARMa, poisson glmm looks problematic.