You does not need an approximation here. Use properties of moment generating functions, $X$ is standard normal so $X^2$ is chisquared with one df, with moment generating function $M_{X^2}(t)=\frac1{\sqrt{1-2t}}$ (for $t<1/2$.) Then note that
$$\DeclareMathOperator{\E}{\mathbb{E}}M_X(t)=\E e^{t X}
$$ is the definition, so that
$$\E e^{-X^2}=M_{X²}(-1)=\frac1{\sqrt{1-2\cdot (-1)}}=\frac1{\sqrt{3}}
We can check that in R with a fast simulation (always a good idea to do a simulation check):
mean( exp(-rnorm(1E6)^2) )
[1] 0.5774847
[1] 0.5773503
Answer in comments:
What about if 𝑋 was not standard normal but normal with mean $𝜇_𝑋$
and variance $𝜎^2_𝑋$. Can your approach still be used or is it
specific to the case of a standard normal distribution?
It can still be used. I will not give full details. First, the easy case $X \sim \mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2)$. Then $X=(\sigma Z)^2$ with $Z$ standard normal, so in the above argument you get the argument $-\sigma^2$ in place of $-1$ for the mgf (moment generating function.) For the fully general case, see for instance Moment-generating function (MGF) of non-central chi-squared distribution and work from there.