There seems to be a smooth dependence of variance on observation index, so you could try a joint modeling approach, see for instance Articles that work with covariates for mean, variance, and correlation simultaneously. Maybe also look into if there is autocorrelation (show us a plot!), and tell us what your data represents, and how it was obtained.
There are earlier post about estimation with estimated weights, for instance Determine weights in weighted least squares regression, and this list. A paper on this topic is available in JSTOR.
Carroll, Raymond J., et al. “The Effect of Estimating Weights in Weighted Least Squares.” Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 83, no. 404, 1988, pp. 1045–54. JSTOR, Accessed 6 Nov. 2022.
We can look at some simple simulations to see how much better we can do with a weighted mean, with data similar to yours. I will write simulation code (in R) that easily can be extended with other approaches. First I will show a dataset simulated similar to yours, with overlaid curves (red) of plus/minus two (known) standard deviations:
The optimal weights for the weighted mean is the inverse variance, which is known for the simulated data. In practive we must estimate the variance. That can be done in many ways, here I will use the R package gamlss
, which implements joint estimation of mean and variance, in a framework which is an extension of the usual glm's (generalized linear models), in that we can also define link functions (and then a regression model) for the variance. I will define two models, one estimating a quadratic variance function (we simulated with a quadratic variance function), another with the variance modeled via a spline function. Both uses a log link function (and an identity link for the mean.) Then we simulate data as above 1000 times and estimates the mean by five methods:
- unweighted mean
- optimal weighted mean
- weighted mean with weights estimated by
with quadratic variance function
- weighted mean with weights estimated by
with spline variance function
- weighted mean with weights from variance estimated by bins/buckets (I use 100 observations by bin)
and finally we present the squareroot of the mean square residual error around the known truth, zero:
m.unweighted m.optweighted m.bucket m.gamlss0 m.gamlss1
0.02416481 0.02160241 0.02175347 0.02149437 0.02152971
It might be better to present this as relative efficiencies, that is, as a ratio of variances as compared to the optimal weights:
m.unweighted m.optweighted m.bucket m.gamlss0 m.gamlss1
1.2513028 1.0000000 1.0140346 0.9900230 0.9932804
Note the small differences, but it seems that you can gain some by using, say, a spline variance model. The spline-based scheme is better that binning. For your data, I suspect there will be autocorrelation in time, which we have not modeled.
I will give some details and code, so the simulations can be adapted. First let us repeat the data plot, but with all the different standard deviations estimates given:
From this plot it is clear that the main step is to go from the constant variance model, with relatively small differences between the estimated variance function methods. I would go for the flexible spline model. So some code:
N <- 1400
Index <- 1:N
varfun <- function(trange) {
ma <- 6; mi <- 0.6^2
inds <- (trange - min(trange))/diff(range(trange))
vars <- (0.25-inds*(1.0-inds))*(ma-mi) + mi
set.seed(7*11*13)# My public seed
sigmatrue <- sqrt(varfun(Index))
Y <- rnorm(N, 0, sd=sigmatrue)
mydata <- data.frame(Y, Index, sigmatrue)
Using gamlss
to estimate the model with a quadratic variance function:
mod0 <- gamlss::gamlss(Y ~ 1, sigma.formula= ~ Index + I(Index^2),
data= mydata)
sigma0 <- predict(mod0, what="sigma", type="response")
The variable sigma0
contains the estimated standard deviations from this model, estimated jointly with the mean. The mean estimate can be read from the model summary:
Family: c("NO", "Normal")
Fitting method: RS()
Call: gamlss::gamlss(formula = Y ~ 1, sigma.formula = ~Index +
I(Index^2), data = mydata)
Mu Coefficients:
Sigma Coefficients:
(Intercept) Index I(Index^2)
4.426e-01 -2.663e-03 1.899e-06
Degrees of Freedom for the fit: 4 Residual Deg. of Freedom 1396
Global Deviance: 3467.21
AIC: 3475.21
SBC: 3496.19
The estimated mean is the same as the weighted mean using inverse variance weights from the estimated variance function, as can be seen from
weighted.mean(Y, (1/sigma0)^2)
[1] 0.01302066
The other spline model can be treated likewise so will not be given. Directly to the simulation code:
var_buckets <- function(Y, size) {
# If size do not divide length(Y) throw an error:
n <- length(Y)
stopifnot( n%%size == 0 )
k <- n%/%size # Number of buckets
vars <- numeric(n) ; len <- n/k
for (i in 1:k) vars[((i-1)*len+1):(i*len)] <-
return( vars )
sigmabuckets <- sqrt(var_buckets(Y, 100))
B <- 1000
set.seed(7*11*13)# My public seed
sigmatrue <- sqrt(varfun(Index))
one_iter <- function() {
mydat <- data.frame(Y=rnorm(N, 0, sd=sigmatrue), Index)
mod0 <- gamlss::gamlss(Y ~ 1, sigma.formula= ~ Index + I(Index^2),
data= mydat)
mod1 <- gamlss::gamlss(Y ~ 1, sigma.formula= ~ pb(Index),
data= mydat) # pb uses CV for choosing df
sigma0 <- predict(mod0, what="sigma", type="response")
sigma1 <- predict(mod1, what="sigma", type="response")
m.unweighted <- c(with(mydat, mean(Y)))
m.optweighted <- c(with(mydat, weighted.mean(Y, (1/sigmatrue)^2)))
m.gamlss0 <- coef(mod0) ; names(m.gamlss0) <- NULL
m.gamlss1 <- coef(mod1) ; names(m.gamlss1) <- NULL
sigmabucket <- with(mydat, sqrt( var_buckets(Y, 100) ))
m.bucket <- with(mydat, weighted.mean(Y, (1/sigmabucket)^2 ))
simresults <- t(replicate(B, one_iter() ))