I am comparing the effect of climate, across three different time brackets, on a variable. I am interested in choosing the model that best predicts the variable to answer across which timescale the climate effect most strongly affects my variable. As such, I run three models:
My instinct is to compare their pseudo-r2 values (not adj r2 or r2 as I'm running phylogenetic gls models in nlme) to assess how well each model predicts my variable of interest. Or is AIC a better alternative? My instinct is no, because each model only has one dependent variable, so there are no extra variables to penalise - in other words, I'm not really sure what AIC would tell me here -- and after all, I'm interested in how well these variables explain the data.
I've also come across log likelihood -- is that better than pseudo-r2 for this question?
Thanks for any hints!