I hope you can help me concerning the following question. It is mainly about when to use ECM or VECM. Suppose i have two time series of daily stock prices from Company Y and X and regression a regression in the form of Y ~ X revealed that the both series are cointegrated (ADF-Test on the regression residuals with p-value at 0.02). Based on that i wanted to build an ECM in R via the ecmSymfit Function. This Function returns two models in the form dY ~ dX(t-1) + dY(t-1) +e(t-1) and dX ~ dY(t-1) + dX(t-1) + e(t-1) where e(t-1) are the residuals from the regression Y~X. As i understood now these two models simply show the reaction of dY and dX given a shock in the previous period via e(t-1)*corresponding coefficient.
But what i read many times now is that proceeding in this form would not be that feasible since one has to determine which of the both stocks is the dependent and independent variable i.e. Y is affecting X or X is affecting Y. And since it could be that both are affecting each other simultaneously a VECM would be required (eventhough i thought before that this would only be required if there are at least more than two time sieries). Could you tell me if it is correct that already here a VECM is required?
And furthermore, do the two models above not already show how the variables are reacting given a shock in the prevous period (via dY ~ dX(t-1) + dY(t-1) + e(t-1) -> shows how Y reacts given a shock in e(t-1) and dX ~ dY(t-1) + dX(t-1) + e(t-1)-> shows how X reacts given a shock in e(t-1)). Or would it be required to construct an additional ECM based on the regression residuals of X~Y?
Any help would be highly appreciated since i am becoming a bit confused on when to use what.
Thanks in advance and best