I have a question concerning model selection. I am comparing three models where at each step I added a new term as both fixed effect and as random slope:
baseline <- lme(like_rating ~ 1,
random = list(~ 1 | PID, ~1| stimulusID),
method = "ML", data = DataScaled)
mfit_1 <- lme(like_rating ~ V1,
random = list(~ V1 | PID, ~1| stimulusID),
method = "ML", data = DataScaled)
mfit_2 <-lme(like_rating ~ V1 + V2,
random = list(~ V1 + V2 | PID, ~1| stimulusID),
method = "ML", data = DataScaled)
To select the best model, I then compare the new models with the baseline using the anova
function, and obtained the results below:
anova(baseline, mfit1, mfit2)
# Model df AIC BIC logLik Test L.Ratio p-value
# baseline 1 4 16976.72 16999.06 -8484.359
# V1 2 11 16972.95 17034.38 -8475.475 1 vs 2 17.76746 0.0131
# V2 3 16 16966.74 17056.09 -8467.368 2 vs 3 16.21444 0.0063
Above it looks like all the variables significantly improved the model. However, when I call the summary(mfit_2)
function for the latest saturated model, the output shows that V2 is NS:
# Fixed effects: like_rating ~ Contour + jpgSiz
# Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value
# (Intercept) 43.29319 2.7998348 1924 15.462767 0.0000
# V1_levelA -2.11111 0.9833151 1924 -2.146931 0.0319
# V1_levelB -3.28676 1.1867284 1924 -2.769596 0.0057
# V2 -0.96441 0.4814861 1924 -2.002988 0.3093
EDIT: Question: How should I interpret the contribution of V2 in my model?
Insights on this would be valuable and much appreciated.