Suppose I have continuous random variables $X,Y,Z$ with the following causal structure:
I hypothesize a simple regression model for each r.v., specifically,
\begin{aligned}[l] Y &= a_1 X + \cal{N}(\mu_1,\sigma_1^2),\\ Z &= a_2 X + a_3 Y + \cal{N}(\mu_2,\sigma_2^2) \end{aligned}
I have many observations sampled from the joint distribution $(X,Y,Z)$ and would like to infer the parameters. I am particularly interested in inferring $a_3$, i.e., the link from $Y$ to $Z$.
What method is appropriate for this? I could imagine using multilinear approximation to fit a regression estimate $Z \sim \alpha_1 X + \alpha_2 Y + \beta$, and then using $\alpha_2$ as my estimate for $a_3$; is this a good approach?