I'm facing some problems working with VAE. They are pretty similar than the ones at this thread: Balancing Reconstruction vs KL Loss Variational Autoencoder but I still have the problems and I don't really understand them, that's why I open this new thread.
The point is that it looks like the Reconstruction Loss and the KL-Divergence are opposite terms. I've tried many different things, and here are the graphs of the loss:
KL-Divergence = 0 in all epochs.
KL-Divergence and ReconstrunctionLoss with same weight.
The weight of the KL-Divergence change from 0 to 1 progressively.
As you can see in the graphs, if the KL_Divergence is = 0, the ReconstructionLoss improves. But if they have the same weight, the ReconstrunctionLoss is always the same and it only improves the KL-Divergence. Actually, while KL-Divergence = 0 and the ReconstructionLoss improves, the real KL-Divergence worsen.
Any idea about how to solve this? I follow what appears in this paper about KL cost annealing: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1511.06349.pdf, and the result is my third chart.
I'm completely lost and have no idea about how to continue working with this.
One last thing: I'm not working with images, but to visualize my data I use UMAP. The UMAP plot of the original data is completely different from the UMAP plot of the reconstructed data if I don't set KL-Divergence equal to 0. Using KL-Divergence as part of loss function is just worsen the perfomance of my VAE...
Thanks you so much! :)