I'm going to assume that you are running a series of simple mediation models -- one for each of your predictor variable (X1-X6). If so, then you could present the result of your mediation analyses in a single table and write about them in the results section one predictor at a time. For example:
"The indirect effect of X1 via Mediator is statistically significant (ab = 0.##, 95% CI [0.##, 0.##])." The direct effect is also significant (b = 0.##, SE = 0.##).
It would look something like Table 4 in Ma and Grogan-Kaylor (2017) except you would be grouping by independent variables as opposed to dependent variables.
Alternatively, I suppose you could show your findings in a series of figures like Stellar et al. (2018) - Figure 2. However, since you have so many X variables, I think this would be less efficient than putting everything into one table.
- Ma, J., & Grogan-Kaylor, A. (2017). Longitudinal associations of
neighborhood collective efficacy and maternal corporal punishment
with behavior problems in early childhood. Developmental psychology,
53(6), 1027.
- Stellar, J. E., Gordon, A., Anderson, C. L., Piff, P. K., McNeil, G.
D., & Keltner, D. (2018). Awe and humility. Journal of personality
and social psychology, 114(2), 258.