I am struggeling with a basic question and would be happy to get some pointers. I am trying to evaluate an algorithm $f$ which maps some sample $x$ onto a scalar $y\in\mathbb{R}$, i.e. $f(x) = y$. For each each sample I have a ground-truth version of this scalar $\hat{y}$ available and I want to estimate the performance of the algorithm with respect to $z=y-\hat{y}$. Preliminary evaluations have shown that the algorithm is largely unbiased with the mean of $z$ being close to zero and errors are distributed normally with $z \sim \mathcal{N}(\varepsilon, \sigma)$ for $\varepsilon$ close to zero.
However, I am struggling how specifically to evaluate the performance, preferably with an error bound as e.g. a confidence interval. I could
- Work with the signed errors $z$. However, in this case I only see how to do a static evaluation of the accuracy ("95% between thresholds ...").
- Work with the unsigned errors $\vert z \vert$. In this case I could estimate the mean absolute error. However, as I understood I would need to work with folded or a half-normal distributions. Here I am struggling to find references on how to compute confidence intervals (apart from bootstrapping), making me question if this is indeed the canonical way to deal with my problem.
What is the recommended procedure to tackle this problem? As mentioned, I would prefer if this method would allow me to bound some unsigned version of the errors (squared, absolute values, ...). Additionally, I want to estimate the necessary sample size to bound the error in a confidence interval of prescribed width.