I am new in trying to set up a mixed model and I would like some input concerning my model design.
I have been reconstructing the age of some plants and in each year I have been measuring their productivity. So I have a design which includes 580 plants, each plant has an age (varies from 4-25 years) and within each year I have a productivity measurement. I would like to see how the productivity relate to temperature changes.
So with this experimental design I am facing two main problems:
- Within each plant, the measurements between the years are non -independent
- Each plant has a different time range (4 minimum, 25 maxmimum)
I started by trying an LMM model, fitting the variable "plant" as random effect to account for the non-independence of data within each plant. So my model had the form:
model1 <- lmer(Productivity ~ Temperature + (1|Plant), data=data)
As a second step I wanted somehow to include the fact that each plant has a different time range … So, I included the factor Year nested in Plant.
So the second model had the form:
model2 <-lmer(Productivity ~ Temperature + (1|Plant:Year),
The results between these models are really different, so I am not sure which one better encapsulates my experimental design. I am not quite sure about the nested factor, as Years between plants in some cases coincide …