Lets say I have two Exponential $X$ and $Y$ independent variables distributed $Exp(1)$
- The CDF $F(x)=P(X \leq x)$ is given by $1-e^{-x}$
- The Survival function $1-F(x) = S(x)=P(X > x)$ is given by $e^{-x}$
Now I want to know the intersection and union of some events $A_x$ and $A_y$ lets say that I believe that they occured between $[0, 1]$ and they did not occur between $(1,\infty]$. I would like to calculate the probability that some events did occur and some didn't. Am I thinking this correctly?
$P(A_x \cap \overline A_y)$ = $P(A_x) \cdot P(\overline A_y)$ = $P(X \leq 1) \cdot P(Y > 1) = (1-e^{-1})(e^{-1}) = e^{-1}-e^{-2}$
$P(A_x \cup A_y) = P(A_x) + P(A_y) - P(A_x \cap A_y) = P(X \leq 1) + P(Y \leq 1) - P(X \leq 1) \cdot P(Y \leq 1) = 2e^{-1} - e^{-2}$
Or do I have to make a joint PDF of $X$ and $Y$ and then calculate the probabilities?