This is an appendix to @EdM answer (+1). I look at the implementation (in base R) to make sure I understand the partial $\chi^2$ statistic. The R code borrows heavily from the rms::anova. This is for illustration only, so there are restrictions; most importantly, it's assumed the predictors have unique names.
g <- function(x) 0.09 - x^-(1 / 1.75)
formula <- g(gh) ~ rcs(age, 4) + re + sex + rcs(bmi, 4)
ols(formula, data = nhgh)
# Fit model in base R
model <- lm(formula, data = nhgh)
# `age` is transformed into a restricted cubic spline with 4 knots,
# so there are 3 components.
associated_terms(model, "age")
#> [1] "rcs(age, 4)age" "rcs(age, 4)age'" "rcs(age, 4)age''"
The partial $\chi^2$ statistic is $\hat{\beta}_{S}^\top\widehat{\Sigma}_{S}^{-1}\hat{\beta}_S$ where $S$ is the set of terms associated with the predictor (linear, nonlinear, interactions), $\hat{\beta}_S$ is the corresponding subset of coefficient estimates and $\widehat{\Sigma}_S$ is their covariance matrix.
partial_chisq(model, "sex"),
partial_chisq(model, "re"),
partial_chisq(model, "bmi"),
partial_chisq(model, "age")
#> predictor chi2 df P
#> 1 sex 15.17428 1 9.802941e-05
#> 2 re 172.89056 4 2.506276e-36
#> 3 bmi 332.38234 3 9.730894e-72
#> 4 age 1324.07373 3 8.795631e-287
The R implementation in full.
# Find model terms which are a function of the given predictor,
# including (linear and nonlinear) main effects and interactions.
# @param model: A fitted `lm` or `glm` model.
# @param predictor: The name of a single predictor.
# Caution!
# This function assumes predictors have unique names.
associated_terms <- function(model, predictor) {
terms <- names(coef(model))
terms[grepl(predictor, terms, perl = TRUE)]
# Compute t(x) @ inv(V) @ x
# @param V: a square n-by-n matrix.
# @param x: a n-dimensional vector.
compute_quadratic <- function(V, x) {
x %*% solvet(V, x, tol = 1e-9)
# Compute the Wald chi squared statistic for a subset of model terms.
partial_chisq <- function(model, predictor) {
terms <- associated_terms(model, predictor)
b <- coef(model)
V <- vcov(model)
idx <- names(b) %in% terms
chi2 <- compute_quadratic(V[idx, idx], b[idx])
df <- sum(idx)
predictor, chi2, df,
P = pchisq(chi2, df, lower.tail = FALSE)
# BBR, Section 4.3.5
g <- function(x) 0.09 - x^-(1 / 1.75)
ginverse <- function(y) (0.09 - y)^-1.75
formula <- g(gh) ~ rcs(age, 4) + re + sex + rcs(bmi, 4)
ols(formula, data = nhgh)
# Fit model in base R
model <- lm(formula, data = nhgh)
# `age` is transformed into a restricted cubic spline with 4 knots,
# so there are 3 components.
associated_terms(model, "age")
partial_chisq(model, "sex"),
partial_chisq(model, "re"),
partial_chisq(model, "bmi"),
partial_chisq(model, "age")
# BBR, Section 19.8
acath <- subset(acath, !
formula <- sigdz ~ sex * rcs(age, 5)
lrm(formula, data = acath)
# Fit model in base R
model <- glm(formula, family = binomial, data = acath)
# The "contribution" of `age` includes a restricted cubuc spline *and*
# the interaction with `sex`.
associated_terms(model, "age")
partial_chisq(model, "age"),
partial_chisq(model, "sex")
drop1(model, test="Chi")
. You can think of it as a measure of effect size after you've accounted for the differences in dfs. $\endgroup$