
In his RMS course (section 4.1.1), Frank Harrell mentions the use of a partial chi square statistic for measuring the strength of association between a predictor and an outcome. See below for a screenshot of this passage:

enter image description here

Given a model, the differences between partial chi-squares and their respective degrees of freedom can be plotted using plot(anova(mod). Here is an example

enter image description here

From what test are these chi-squares obtained? How might I compute these quantities in base R?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I think these are just analogous to 'Type III sums of squares' tests. In R, you could use drop1(model, test="Chi"). You can think of it as a measure of effect size after you've accounted for the differences in dfs. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 26, 2021 at 19:01

2 Answers 2


For other than ordinary least squares (OLS) regression, the anova() function in Harrell's rms package performs Wald tests on individual coefficients and sets of related coefficients; Wald tests are an option for OLS models. The Wald $\chi^2$ statistic used in the test for a coefficient or a set of coefficients is the "partial $\chi^2$ statistic."

The code is in the ava() function defined at the start of rms:::anova.rms. For a vector of coefficient estimates coefs and the corresponding subset of the covariance matrix vcov(coefs), it's just the quadratic form combining the coefs with the inverse of vcov(coefs). See this answer for a simple implementation in base R. Subtracting the number of degrees of freedom corrects for the mean $\chi^2$ under the null hypothesis.

For OLS, plot.anova.rms() by default multiplies similar partial F-statistics by the (numerator) degrees of freedom to get $\chi^2$ values. It can, upon request, display corresponding partial $R^2$ values.


This is an appendix to @EdM answer (+1). I look at the implementation (in base R) to make sure I understand the partial $\chi^2$ statistic. The R code borrows heavily from the rms::anova. This is for illustration only, so there are restrictions; most importantly, it's assumed the predictors have unique names.



g <- function(x) 0.09 - x^-(1 / 1.75)
formula <- g(gh) ~ rcs(age, 4) + re + sex + rcs(bmi, 4)
  ols(formula, data = nhgh)

# Fit model in base R
model <- lm(formula, data = nhgh)

# `age` is transformed into a restricted cubic spline with 4 knots,
# so there are 3 components.
associated_terms(model, "age")
#> [1] "rcs(age, 4)age"   "rcs(age, 4)age'"  "rcs(age, 4)age''"

The partial $\chi^2$ statistic is $\hat{\beta}_{S}^\top\widehat{\Sigma}_{S}^{-1}\hat{\beta}_S$ where $S$ is the set of terms associated with the predictor (linear, nonlinear, interactions), $\hat{\beta}_S$ is the corresponding subset of coefficient estimates and $\widehat{\Sigma}_S$ is their covariance matrix.

  partial_chisq(model, "sex"),
  partial_chisq(model, "re"),
  partial_chisq(model, "bmi"),
  partial_chisq(model, "age")
#>   predictor       chi2 df             P
#> 1       sex   15.17428  1  9.802941e-05
#> 2        re  172.89056  4  2.506276e-36
#> 3       bmi  332.38234  3  9.730894e-72
#> 4       age 1324.07373  3 8.795631e-287

The R implementation in full.


# Find model terms which are a function of the given predictor,
# including (linear and nonlinear) main effects and interactions.
# @param model: A fitted `lm` or `glm` model.
# @param predictor: The name of a single predictor.
# Caution!
# This function assumes predictors have unique names.
associated_terms <- function(model, predictor) {
  terms <- names(coef(model))
  terms[grepl(predictor, terms, perl = TRUE)]

# Compute t(x) @ inv(V) @ x
# @param V: a square n-by-n matrix.
# @param x: a n-dimensional vector.
compute_quadratic <- function(V, x) {
  x %*% solvet(V, x, tol = 1e-9)

# Compute the Wald chi squared statistic for a subset of model terms.
partial_chisq <- function(model, predictor) {
  terms <- associated_terms(model, predictor)

  b <- coef(model)
  V <- vcov(model)

  idx <- names(b) %in% terms

  chi2 <- compute_quadratic(V[idx, idx], b[idx])
  df <- sum(idx)

    predictor, chi2, df,
    P = pchisq(chi2, df, lower.tail = FALSE)

# BBR, Section 4.3.5

g <- function(x) 0.09 - x^-(1 / 1.75)
ginverse <- function(y) (0.09 - y)^-1.75

formula <- g(gh) ~ rcs(age, 4) + re + sex + rcs(bmi, 4)
  ols(formula, data = nhgh)

# Fit model in base R
model <- lm(formula, data = nhgh)

# `age` is transformed into a restricted cubic spline with 4 knots,
# so there are 3 components.
associated_terms(model, "age")

  partial_chisq(model, "sex"),
  partial_chisq(model, "re"),
  partial_chisq(model, "bmi"),
  partial_chisq(model, "age")

# BBR, Section 19.8
acath <- subset(acath, !is.na(choleste))

formula <- sigdz ~ sex * rcs(age, 5)
  lrm(formula, data = acath)

# Fit model in base R
model <- glm(formula, family = binomial, data = acath)

# The "contribution" of `age` includes a restricted cubuc spline *and*
# the interaction with `sex`.
associated_terms(model, "age")

  partial_chisq(model, "age"),
  partial_chisq(model, "sex")
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Good answers above. To see exactly which parameters are being tested you can do print(anova(...), which='subscripts' or 'names' or 'dots') which augments the ANOVA table. Also think of the partial $\chi^2$ as proportional to semipartial $R^2$. $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 18, 2022 at 19:55
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I think you are missing the inverse indicator on the covariance matrix in the quadratic form for the partial chi-square. Other than that, looks good! (+1) $\endgroup$
    – EdM
    Commented Oct 18, 2022 at 21:23

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