
I have some high dimensional repeated measures data, and i am interested in fitting random forest model to investigate the suitability and predictive utility of such models. Specifically i am trying to implement the methods in the LongituRF package. The methods behind this package are detailed here :

Capitaine, L., et al. Random forests for high-dimensional longitudinal data. Stat Methods Med Res (2020) doi:10.1177/0962280220946080.

Conveniently the authors provide some useful data generating functions for testing. So we have


Let's generate some data with DataLongGenerator() which takes as arguments n=sample size, p=number of predictors and G=number of predictors with temporal behavior.

my_data <- DataLongGenerator(n=50,p=6,G=6)

my_data is a list of what you'd expect Y (response vector), X (matrix of fixed effects predictors), Z (matrix of random-effects predictors), id (vector of sample identifier) and time (vector of time measurements). To fit random forest model simply

model <- REEMforest(X=my_data$X,Y=my_data$Y,Z=my_data$Z,time=my_data$time,

takes about 50secs here so bear with me

so far so good. Now im clear about all the parameters here except for Z. What is Z when i go to fit this model on my actual data?

Looking at my_data$Z.

[1] 471   2
      [,1]      [,2]
 [1,]    1 1.1128914
 [2,]    1 1.0349287
 [3,]    1 0.7308948
 [4,]    1 1.0976203
 [5,]    1 1.3739856
 [6,]    1 0.6840415

Each row of looks like an intercept term (i.e. 1) and values drawn from a uniform distribution runif().

The documentation of REEMforest() indicates that "Z [matrix]: A Nxq matrix containing the q predictor of the random effects." How is this matrix to be specified when using actual data?

My understanding is that traditionally Z is simply one-hot (binary) encoding of the group variables (e.g. as described here), so Z from the DataLongGenerator() should be nxG (471x6) sparse matrix no?

Clarity on how to specify the Z parameter with actual data would be appreciated.


1 Answer 1


This question was answered here. It appears that regardless of Z. "Error in solve.default(S1) : Lapack routine dgesv: system is exactly singular:" are quite common


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