I am currently working with some data with 11 cases; with a quantitative variable and a factor (treatment). My data in R are as follows:
Q <- c(0.52257929, 0.59409435, 0.59990197, 0.43122963, 0.54950869, 0.53396515, 0.59540344, 0.07396450, 0.55989774, 0.04496018, 0.35368660)
Treatment <- c("C", "A", "C", "A", "C", "A", "C", "A", "A", "A", "A" )
df <- data.frame(Q, Treatment)
I am trying to apply the Mann-Whitney -Wilcoxon test (based on ranks) to test whether the data from both treatments belong to the same population, given that the sample size is small. One of the assumptions of this test is homoscedasticity; so I have applied the Fligner test, which I understand is more robust to non-normal data. In these data I find heteroscedasticity, and after trying the log and square root transformations, I have found that the difference in variance remains. I don't know what the next step is. I know I can also use permutation tests but the heterocedasticity assumption stays the same. Any advice is welcome. Thanks in advance!