can someone explains me how bayesian time series forecasting practically work?
Let me use the model on which I am working as example. It is a dynamic Poisson model or INGARCH(1,1) model \begin{equation} Y_t \sim Pois(\lambda_t) \\ \text{with} \qquad \lambda_t = \mu + \alpha Y_{t-1} + \beta \lambda_{t-1} \end{equation} In short, this model assumes that the data follows a Poisson whose mean/variance $\lambda_t$ changes over time in a way similar to an ARMA(1,1).
I have estimated the parameters of this model (and their distributions) using a MCMC algorithm since the posterior it is not tracatble.
What I want to know is how I can predict future distributions for multiple step-ahead. I would also like to know which is the so-called predictive distribution in a context like this.
I have tried it in the following way:
For time $t+1$:
- I randomly choose values for $\mu, \alpha, \beta$ from the sample obtained from the MCMC algorithm
- I use this values to compute $\lambda_{t+1}$ *
- I draw from a $Pois(\lambda_{t+1})$
- I repeat step 1-2-3 many times
For time $t+2$:
- I randomly choose values for $\mu, \alpha, \beta$ from the sample obtained from the MCMC algorithm
- I randomly choose $\lambda_{t+1}$ from the sample obtained for time $t+1$
- I use this values to compute $\lambda_{t+2}$
- I draw from a $Pois(\lambda_{t+2})$
- I repeat step 1-2-3-4 many times
However, I am not confident on the correctness of this procedure.
Thanks a lot for your help.
- I recover $\lambda_{t}$ in this way:
for (i in 1:LastObservation) {
if (i==1) {
lambda[i] = mu+ alpha * InitialValueY + beta * InitialValueLambda
} else {
lambda[i] = mu + alpha * Y[i-1] + beta * lambda[i-1]
#in this case lambda_t is lambda[LastObservation]