I use the Cox PH model in an ecology study in order to estimate the risk of "migration departure" of a bird species according to different variables. In this way I can put forward the factors influencing the migration departure. I have different variables, some are independent of time (sex, age...) and others are dependent on time (temperature, day length, wind speed).
I understood well how to code and how to use the Cox model in R, but I have a problem when I interpret the results.
Indeed, several variables give me incoherent results (they are even the expected inverse results). This is particularly the case with the variables 'day length' and 'temperature'. The birds start migrating as soon as spring arrives and with the increase of the day length and the temperature. But, here, my coefficients are negative. The particularity of these two variables is to be very strongly correlated with time (the more the time of experience increases, the more the value of the variable increases).
I wonder then if I have not missed something in the design of the model that would prevent the use of time correlated variables in a Cox model? Is it possible to code variables correlated to time?
I apologize if my English is not comprehensive, please do not hesitate to ask me for clarification.
day length
may have a nonlinear relationship withmigration departure
(e.g., there are 8 hour days twice a year for many latitudes, and migration departure may only be more likely with longerday lengths
when daylight hours are increasing (i.e. moving towards the summer solstice). $\endgroup$