Problem: Analyze an experiment that was developed for the iOS app, called “ios_referral_experiment”, that tests adding new links to the referral invite page. The experiment has 3 groups: the “control” group has no new link; the “tab_only” group has a new navigation tab that links to the page; and the “tab_settings” group has both a new navigation tab and a new link in the settings. What are the results from this experiment and which group would you recommend based on the results?
Data Parameters:
This table includes click and view events in the UI.
● user_id: unique id for the user
● exposed_time: time when the user was exposed to the experiment
● split_test_group: the split test group the user was assigned to events
● event_time: time when the event occurred
● event_type: the type of event that happened
○ “referral_page_view”: user views the page for sending referral invites
○ “referrer_page_invite_action”: users clicks the button to send a referral invite
● event_type_button: the type of button the user clicks for the event referrals
user_id split_test_group exposed_time event_type platform event_type_button Date Time
b861f69cb669766cc0d52bc2279332c0: 414 control :27274 Length:142123 referrer_page_invite_action: 8896 iOS:135067 :133227 Min. :2017-06-02 Length:142123
5ac762996eb6e8932fd2140e77a7a870: 376 tab_only :67381 Class :character referrer_page_viewed :133227 Web: 7056 Link : 1816 1st Qu.:2017-07-21 Class :character
00c26d8255da64576a9e3c5a2c1271eb: 298 tab_settings:47468 Mode :character SMS : 1727 Median :2017-08-04 Mode :character
2d4fdc1606ad722a93a98882f9ccf331: 236 link : 1226 Mean :2017-08-02
4296772f2a0ce768d25573863c82968c: 236 email : 1118 3rd Qu.:2017-08-17
fe7a74a142b5774375ba64184d67a8e3: 212 ShareDialog: 1062 Max. :2017-09-01
(Other) :140351 (Other) : 1947
I would like to calculate based on each 'split_test_group' - which had the greatest influence on the number of 'referrer_page_invite_action' vs 'referrer_page_viewed'.
New data table based on count per group
split_test_group | event_type | count
Control referrer_page_invite_action 1892
Control referrer_page_viewed 25382
tab_only referrer_page_invite_action 4009
tab_only referrer_page_viewed 63372
tab_settings referrer_page_invite_action 2995
tab_settings referrer_page_viewed 44473