
What I have is a hiring analysis where we have a Dependent Variable for pre test and post test for a paired sample (same location's hiring success measure before and after treatment). I also have a host of other characteristics such as the location's region, the type of business, etc. What I aim to do is determine the best way to predict how successful hiring will be for a given region/business type etc. In my head, basically multiple regression, except that I have paired results as well. What would be the best approach to this? I typically lean on Excel/R Statistics.

Example of data

Location IV - Montana

Business_Type IV - Sales

PreSuccess DV - 46%

PostSuccess DV - 88%

Thanks for your time folks!

  • $\begingroup$ Have you considered logistic regression? Logistic regression outputs a probability of success in a binary outcome (0 = no hire, 1 = hire) $\endgroup$
    – jros
    Commented Jul 8, 2021 at 19:42

1 Answer 1


Multiple regression can work on each dependent variable, so you would have to do 2 regressions: 1 for pre-success and 1 for post-success. If you are interested in the question "can these (indepedent) variables (e.g. location, business type, etc.) predict a change in the success rate?", you will need to do another regression. First, create a new variable Y=post-pre. This operation must be pairwise. Positive values of Y indicate increased performance, whereas negative values indicate decreased performance. Then, run the multiple regression on Y.


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