Would it be wrong to say that a Riemann sum approximation of an integral
\begin{align} \int_a^b f(t) \mathrm{d}t \approx \sum_{k=1}^{n_\text{samples}} f(t^{\ast}_k)\Delta t, \end{align}
where $\Delta t = \left(b - a\right)/n_\text{samples}$, and where $t^{\ast}_k$ is the left or right end point or the midpoint of the sub-intervals is an unbiased estimate of the true integral?
The argument for Monte Carlo integral approximation with $N$ uniform samples in the interval $[a,b]$ seems to be that as the number of samples goes to infinity, then the approximation will be the exact integral with probability 1 (see e.g https://cs.dartmouth.edu/wjarosz/publications/dissertation/appendixA.pdf, page 153)
This same limit for the Riemann sum is (the definition of) the Riemann integral, hence I would argue that a Riemann sum is also unbiased.
According to a blog post (https://blog.evjang.com/2016/09/riemann-bias.html) which I found on Google, then the Riemann sum is biased because of the deterministic steps.
But since the argument for the Monte Carlo integration being unbiased uses that $N$ goes to infinity, I can't see why the same argument can't be used for the Riemann sum approximation.
If it indeed is wrong that the Riemann sum is unbiased, I would be happy if anyone could explain the differences in the arguments.