I am trying to create a multiple regression model in Python that takes hours slept, minutes of exercise, and my average daily mood to fit a 3D surface of $1^{st}$ (plane) to $5^{th}$ order polynomials. I have also calculated $R^2$ and adjusted $R^2$ values, which is all displayed on a figure like the one shown below.
My daily mood is measured by recording my mood approximately 2-3 hours after I wake up and 2-3 hours before I go to sleep and taking an average.
At first, I assumed the hours slept combined with my daily exercise would have an effect on my mood. However, while working on this project, I questioned if my rationale is backwards. What if my mood is independent and causes lack/excess sleep or motivation/pacification to exercise? For example: If I am having a bad day I may want to sleep longer and exercise less, and on a good day I may want to sleep only the minimum I need and go exercise. In that case, my model is backwards but it still shows realistic results (albeit poor).
Is there a way to determine this statistically? As in, is there a methodology to determine what variables (if any) are independent/dependent or is it intuition and understanding of the problem itself?