Can fixed-effects become biased due to random structure misspecification
Yes they can. Let's do a simulation in R to show it.
We will simulate data according to the following model:
Y ~ treatment + time + (1 | site) + (time | subject)
So we have fixed effects for treatment
and time
, random intercepts for subject
nested within site
and random slopes for time
over subject
. There are many things that we can vary with this simulation and obviously there is a limit to what I can do here. But if you (or others) have some suggestions for altering the simulations, then please let me know. Of course you can also play with the code yourself :)
In order to look at bias in the fixed effects we will do a Monte Carlo simulation. We will make use of the following helper function to determine if the model converged properly or not:
hasConverged <- function (mm) {
if ( !(class(mm)[1] == "lmerMod" | class(mm)[1] == "lmerModLmerTest")) stop("Error must pass a lmerMod object")
retval <- NULL
if(is.null(unlist(mm@optinfo$conv$lme4))) {
retval = 1
else {
if (isSingular(mm)) {
retval = 0
} else {
retval = -1
So we will start by setting up the parameters for the nested factors:
n_site <- 100; n_subject_site <- 5; n_time <- 2
which are the number of sites, the number of subjects per site and the number of measurements within subjects.
So now we simulate the factors:
dt <- expand.grid(
time = seq(0, 2, length = n_time),
site = seq_len(n_site),
subject = seq_len(n_subject_site),
reps = 1:2
) %>%
subject = interaction(site, subject),
treatment = sample(0:1, size = n_site * n_subject_site,, replace =
Y = 1
X <- model.matrix(~ treatment + time, dt) # model matrix for fixed effects
where we also add a column of 1s for the reponse at this stage in order to make use of the lFormula
function in lme4
which can construct the model matrix of random effects Z
myFormula <- "Y ~ treatment + time + (1 | site) + (time|subject)"
foo <- lFormula(eval(myFormula), dt)
Z <- t(as.matrix(foo$reTrms$Zt))
Now we set up the parameters we will use in the simulations:
# fixed effects
intercept <- 10; trend <- 0.1; effect <- 0.5
# SDs of random effects
sigma_site <- 5; sigma_subject_ints <- 2; sigma_noise <- 1; sigma_subj_slopes <- 0.5
# correlation between intercepts and slopes for time over subject
rho_subj_time <- 0.2
betas <- c(intercept, effect, trend) # Fixed effects parameters
Then we perform the simulations:
n_sim <- 200
# vectrs to store the fixed effects from each simulations
vec_intercept <- vec_treatment <- vec_time <- numeric(n_sim)
for (i in 1:n_sim) {
u_site <- rnorm(n_site, 0, sigma_site) # standard deviation of random intercepts for site
cormat <- matrix(c(sigma_subject_ints, rho_subj_time, rho_subj_time, sigma_subj_slopes), 2, 2) # correlation matrix
covmat <- lme4::sdcor2cov(cormat)
umat <- MASS::mvrnorm(n_site * n_subject_site, c(0, 0), covmat, empirical = TRUE) # simulate the random effects
u_subj <- c(rbind(umat[, 1], umat[, 2])) # lme4 needs the random effects in this order (interleaved) when there are slopes and intercepts
u <- c(u_subj, u_site)
e <- rnorm(nrow(dt), 0, sigma_noise) # residual error
dt$Y <- X %*% betas + Z %*% u + e
m0 <- lmer(myFormula, dt)
summary(m0) %>% coef() -> dt.tmp
if(hasConverged(m0)) {
vec_intercept[i] <- dt.tmp[1, 1]
vec_treatment[i] <- dt.tmp[2, 1]
vec_time[i] <- dt.tmp[3, 1]
} else {
vec_intercept[i] <- vec_treatment[i] <- vec_time[i] <- NA
And finally we can check for bias:
mean(vec_intercept, na.rm = TRUE)
## [1] 10.04665
mean(vec_treatment, na.rm = TRUE)
## 0.497358
mean(vec_time, na.rm = TRUE)
## [1] 0.09761494
...and these agree closely with the values used in the simulation: 10, 0.5 and 0.1.
Now, let us repeat the simulations, based on the same model:
Y ~ treatment + time + (1 | site) + (time|subject)
but instead of fitting this model, we will fit:
Y ~ treatment + time + (1 | site)
So we just need to make a simple change:
m0 <- lmer(myFormula, dt)
m0 <- lmer(Y ~ treatment + time + (1 | site), data = dt )
And the results are:
mean(vec_intercept, na.rm = TRUE)
## [1] 10.04169
mean(vec_treatment, na.rm = TRUE)
##[1] 0.5068864
mean(vec_time, na.rm = TRUE)
##[1] 0.09761494
So that's all good.
Now we make a simple change:
n_site <- 4
So now, instead of 100 sites, we have 4 sites. We retain the number of subjects per site (5) and the number of time points per subject (2).
For the "correct" model, the results are:
mean(vec_intercept, na.rm = TRUE)
## 10.16447
mean(vec_treatment, na.rm = TRUE)
## [1] 0.422812
mean(vec_time, na.rm = TRUE)
## [1] 0.1049933
Now, while the intercept and time are close to unbiased, the treatment
fixed effect is a little off (0.42 vs 0.5, a bias of around -15% which perhaps stregthens the argument for not fitting random intercepts at all for such a small group even when the random structure is correct). But, if we fit the "wrong" model, the results are:
mean(vec_intercept, na.rm = TRUE)
## [1] 10.0194
mean(vec_treatment, na.rm = TRUE)
## [1] 0.7084542
mean(vec_time, na.rm = TRUE)
## [1] 0.1029664
So now we find the bias of around +42%
As mentioned above, there are a huge number of possible ways this simulation can be altered and adapted, but it does show that biased fixed effects can result when the random structure is wrong, as requested.