In many settings, we are only interested in building a good predictor: e.g. $E(y_t | x_{t-1})$, where $y_t$ and $x_{t-1}$ are vectors of arbitrary dimension.
However, sometimes we are also given, or can acquire, knowledge about the causal relationships between different $y_t$ and $x_t$ variables.
My question is, given we only care about prediction, when is the knowledge of causality useful?
I can think of some obvious cases. For instance, additional knowledge may help us choose from a large set of variables $x_t$. Additional knowledge may also inform us of the possible functional forms in the prediction. However, those are, at least in principle not an issue if we have infinite data. That is, as sample size goes to infinity (and the number of variables doesn't change), these benefits go away.
Is there any sense in which causal knowledge is useful for prediction even with infinite data? Has this been formally studied?