For a series of independent and identical Pareto distributed variables $X_i$ with $\alpha > 2$, their sum $S_n = \sum_{i=1}^{n} X_i$ has a normal distribution as limiting distribution for $n\to \infty$
$$\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}\sigma_X} S_n -\mu_X \quad \sim \quad N(0,1)$$
But what is the situation when we have a shape parameter $\alpha \leq 2$? Are there some series of constants $a_n$ and $b_n$ such that the following scaled and translated sum approaches a distribution?
$$a_n S_n + b_n \quad \sim \quad ?$$
Currently I am thinking about trying to derive that it must be a stable distribution by using the characteristic function for $a_n S_n + b_n$ (for simplicity I set the scale parameter $x_m =1$).
$$\begin{array}{} \varphi_{a_n S_n + b_n}(t) & =& e^{it\,b_n} \alpha^n (-it \, a_n)^{n\alpha} \Gamma(-\alpha, -it \, a_n)^n \end{array}$$
For the $\alpha > 2$ case we would scale by $a_n = \sigma_X \,n^{-0.5}$, and for the $\alpha \leq 2$ case we will, I guess/suspect, need something like $a_n \propto n^{-1/\alpha}$.