I am interested in analyzing the difference in outcome(total bank deposits) among banks that were in states that implemented bail out policy
and banks that were in state that did not implement bail out policy
. So the intervention is, bail out policy.
- total bank deposits (banks in state without bailout policy)
- total bank deposits (banks in state with bailout policy)
The states that did implement bailout policy , implemented these policies starting from 1992. There were banks in these states since 1980s, prior to implementing the policy.
- total bank deposits (banks in state prior to bailout policy)
Since my goal is to compare the effect of policy implementation on banks, which group does the bank that resided in state prior to policy implementation belong to ? Can I move these observations (total bank deposits) from banks that were in state prior to bail out policy into the group of banks that never resided in state that implemented the bail out policy ?
- total bank deposits (banks in state without bailout policy) + total bank deposits (banks in state prior to bailout policy) ??
Curious to know if there there any pitfalls or drawbacks due to moving , total bank deposits (banks in state prior to bailout policy)
to the total bank deposits (banks in state without bailout policy) category