How to estimate the Parameters of "Log Pearson III" distribution and how to generate the random nos. using these estimated parameters in R?
Kindly guide
The Pearson type III distribution is a shifted gamma distribution. A random variable $X$ has log-Pearson III distribution if $\log(X)$ has Pearson III distribution.
Then, the simulation part is simple, simulate from a gamma distribution, shift it (translate it) and then take the exp()
of these values.
Now, in order to estimate the parameters, you can either obtain the density of the log-Pearson III distribution or to use its relationship with the shifted-gamma. This is, if you have a sample $(x_1,...,x_n)\sim \mbox{log-Pearson III}$, then $(\log(x_1),...,\log(x_n))\sim \mbox{Pearson III}$ which is also a shifted-gamma and this is easier to estimate.
The following R code implements both, the simulation and the estimation of the parameters of this distribution.
# Simulation from a log-Pearson III
rlogpearson <- function(n,a,b,c) return( exp(rgamma(n,shape=a,rate=b) - c) )
data<- rlogpearson(1000,3,3,5)
# Transformation of the data to obtain a shifted gamma
datat <- log(data)
# - log-likelihoood
ll <- function(par){
if(par[1]>0 & par[2]>0 & par[3]> -min(datat)) return( -sum(dgamma(datat+par[3],shape=par[1],rate=par[2],log=TRUE)) )
else return(Inf)
# optimisation step
As you can see, the estimators are close to the theoretical values.
The following code shows a function that calculates the quantiles of this distribution. It uses the relationship with the gamma distribution.
qlogpearson <- function(p,a,b,c) return( exp(qgamma(p,shape=a,rate=b) - c) )
If you want to use the estimated parameters, just plug them in this function
param <- optim(c(3,3,5),ll)$par
Another approximation can be obtained by simulating a large sample and calculating the empirical quantiles as follows
samp<- rlogpearson(10000,param[1],param[2],param[3])
Edit II
The CDF can also be easily calculated using that
$$F(x)=P(X<x)= P(\log(X)+c<\log(x)+c),$$
and using that $\log(X)+c$ is a gamma random variable. In R
plogpearson <- function(x,a,b,c) return(pgamma(log(x)+c,shape=a,rate=b))