In my panel data I observe a quite large amount of different individuals for a fixed time duration. The time axis is fixed for every individual, i.e., I observe 20 time points for every individual.
The dependend variable is of kardinal scale but I choosed to transform it into ordinal scale. The reason for this transformation is due to the fact that I observe the case "-Inf" very often which can obviously not be included in any form of regression model. So I choose to split the axsis into intervals like (-Inf,-20000],(-20000,-10000],(-10000,0],(0,10000] and so on. Due to this transformation I actually observe a dependend variable of ordinal scale.
My first question in this context is: In what way a ordinal scaled dependend variable with time and individual specific variation can be modelled.
2nd: If I acutally do a "ordinal regression" how do I deal with a continuous explanatory variable. I already checked how small the cells get and I'll receive a very large multidimensional table with a lot of zeros and here and there a number from 4 upwards.
Kind regards