Let $X \sim \mathsf{Bin}(n, p)$ where $n$ is known and $p$ is to be inferred from the data. Suppose further that $X = 0,$ so that we had no successes.
We can reason in the following way. We want to reject any value of $p$ that makes the observed data very unlikely. Let's say we want to mistakenly reject a true $p$ at most $100\alpha$% of the time; in other words, we want to make Type I error with level $\alpha.$ For any given $p,$ $\mathbf{P}(X = 0) = (1-p)^n;$ thus, we reject this $p$ if $(1 - p)^n \leq \alpha.$ This leads to reject $p$ if $1-\alpha^{\frac{1}{n}} \leq p \leq 1$. Therefore, the value this way of thinking will not reject are in the interval $(0, 1-\alpha^{\frac{1}{n}}).$ Note that when $n \to \infty,$ this interval shrinks, which is good (the more observations we have and if we still have zero successes the more certain we are $p \approx 0$).
Is this method used in practice?
To compare: I ask this because I was checking some materials and these appeal to asymptotic statistics like the Likelihood Ratio, or Rao's score statistic, or Bayesian methods where they choose either a uniform prior or a beta prior. Using Rao's score with $n = 25,$ we would get $(0, 0.132)$ at level $\alpha = 0.05$ while the Bayesian method with uniform prior will give $(0.001, 0.132)$ for a 95% equal-tail posterior interval. The method I described above give $(0, 0.113),$ and the interpretation is simple, any value outside this interval makes what we saw to happen only $5$% of the time or worse (much worse as $p$ grows, actually).