Suppose we have 10,000 test tubes containing variable concentrations of some chemical. The aim is to use measurements of their chemical contents to characterise the measurement imprecision of a chemical analysis.
Each test tube is measured twice, and we find the following distribution of first vs. second measurment:
For each test tube we calculate the mean, SD and CV of the pairs of measurements, and observe the following relationship between mean and CV:
With log(CV) on the y-axis:
(The curve-like pattern in the lower end of the distribution is due to rounding the chemical concentrations two four decimals, which is why CV is also be measured to zero in some instances.)
Obviously, CV is not constant; it is much higher when chemical concentrations are low. I am not interested in trying to estimate a single value of CV that covers all concentrations. Rather, my question is: how can I create a model that predicts the conditional $CV_i$ for any concentration $x_i$ in the range?
First: the reason why I want to do this. Let's say, in the future, the laboratory makes measurement of three independent test tubes and detect concentrations of e.g. 0.0040, 0.0200 and 0.0500. I want to be able to say: for those concentrations, CV is 26.0%, 18.0% and 11.7%, respectively. This means that the 95% CI's for the true concentrations in the test tubes are (0.0021, 0.0060), (0.0129, 0.0271) and (0.0385, 0.0615), respectively.
It would not be a good enough to assume a single, constant CV for all concentrations, as that would make the 95 % CI's incorrect.
Second: the data presented here were simulated. I'm working with real data (about 17,000 paired measurements) that I can't publish here, so I tried to simulate data that would appear somewhat similar. The code used to generate it may not accurately reflect the generating mechanism behind the real data.
I am not a chemical engineer, so I don't know the chemical/physical/technical reason why CV becomes greater when concentrations are lower. However, a chemical engineer explained to me that it is typical: for most of the concentration range, CV tends to be relatively stable, but as you approach the lowest concentrations it increases steeply. This article states this to be true, although it doesn't explain exactly why. Could it simply be mathematical, i.e. that CV tends to increase rapidly as the mean approaches zero? Or maybe lower concentrations are more sensitive to physical/chemical factors influencing the analytical instrument.
Anyway, here is the code:
# Number of simulations
N <- 10000
# Mu and sigma of the generating process
mu_sim <- runif(N, .002, .2)
sigma_sim <- (.09 + .2 * exp(-40 * mu_sim)) * mu_sim
# Simulate pairs of measurments
data <- data.frame(x1 = round(rnorm(N, mu_sim, sigma_sim), 4),
x2 = round(rnorm(N, mu_sim, sigma_sim), 4))
# Calculate mean, SD and CV for each pair
data$mean <- rowMeans(data)
data$sd <- rowSds(as.matrix(data[, 1:2]))
data$cv <- data$sd / data$mean
# Plot of first vs. second measurment
ggplot(data, aes(x = x1, y = x2)) +
geom_point(size = .5, alpha = .25) +
labs(x = "First measurement", y = "Second measurment")
# Plot of log(cv) vs. mean
ggplot(data, aes(x = mean, y = log(cv))) +
geom_point(size = .5, alpha = .5)
To achieve the effect of rapidly increasing CV towards the lower concentrations and a relatively stable CV for the rest, I used a negative exponential function that quickly declines to a "baseline" CV of 9 % (this number was arbitrarily chosen).
The same article suggests the reciprocal of the variance to be a better measurment of imprecision. However, in this dataset the reciprocal of the variance tends to yield some extremely high numbers, so I don't see how that is of any help.
I would greatly appreciate any help with this problem!