Say you want to estimate a statistic $\theta$ and have two data sources. A sample from data source A can be treated as a low-variance, somewhat biased estimate of $\theta$. A sample from data source B can be treated as a very high-variance, unbiased estimate of $\theta$. The distributions for A and B are otherwise unknown. The bias of A is unknown, but presumed low enough to use A as an initial estimate of $\theta$ until better information becomes available from B.
At each time step, you are presented with a sample from A and a sample from B, and at each time step you want to give your best estimate of $\theta$ based on the data seen so far. $\theta$ is not time-varying, and the samples from A are i.i.d., as are the samples from B. What is a good algorithm for this?
I'd imagine a good solution should be some time-varying weighted average of the mean of the A samples and the mean of the B samples. The weights should favor the low-variance A samples for the initial estimates, and as more samples accumulate, the weights should gradually switch over to the unbiased B samples. But how can we set the schedule for the weights? We need to balance the error resulting from the bias of A against the error resulting from the high variance of the sample mean from B, the second of which will decrease over time as sample size increases.