I'm trying to do dimensionality reduction using matlab princomp, but i'm not sure i'm do it right.
here is the my code just for test, but I'm not sure that I'm doing projection right:
A= rand(4,3)
AMean = mean(A)
[n m] = size(A)
Ac= (A - repmat(AMean,[n 1]))
pc= princomp(A)
k=2; %number of first principal components
A_pca= Ac * pc(1:k,:)' %not sure i'm doing projection right
reconstructedA = A_pca * pc(1:k,:)
error= reconstructedA- Ac
and my code for face recognition using ORL dataset:
%load orl_data 400x768 double matrix (400 images 768 features)
%make labels
for i=1:40
orl_label= [orl_label;ones(10,1)*i];
k = randperm(n);
s= round(0.25*n);% take 25% for train
%raw pix
%split on test and train sets
data_tr = orl_data(k(1:s),:);
label_tr = orl_label(k(1:s),:);
data_te = orl_data(k(s+1:end),:);
label_te = orl_label(k(s+1:end),:);
[nn_ind, estimated_label] = EuclDistClassifier(data_tr,label_tr,data_te);
rate = sum(estimated_label == label_te)/size(label_te,1)
%using pca
pc= princomp(data_tr);
mean_face = mean(data_tr);
f_pc= pc(1:pc_n,:)';
data_pca_tr = (data_tr - repmat(mean_face, [s,1])) * f_pc;
data_pca_te = (data_te - repmat(mean_face, [n-s,1])) * f_pc;
[nn_ind, estimated_label] = EuclDistClassifier(data_pca_tr,label_tr,data_pca_te);
rate = sum(estimated_label == label_te)/size(label_te,1)
If I choose enough principal components it give me equal recognition rates, if small number then rate using pca is more poor.
Here is some questions:
- Is princomp function the best way to calculate first k principal components using matlab ?
- Using PCA projected features vs raw features don't give extra accuracy, but only smaller features vector size?(faster to compare feature vectors).
- How to automatically choose min k (number of principal components) that give the same accuracy vs raw feature vector?
- What if I have very big set of samples can I use only subset of them with comparable accuracy? or can I compute PCA on some set and later "add" some other set (I don't want to recompute pca for set1+set2, but somehow iteratively add information from set2 to existing PCA from set1)
I also tried GPU version simply using gpuArray:
%test using GPU
A_cpu= rand(30000,32*24);
A= gpuArray(A_cpu);
AMean = mean(A);
[n m] = size(A)
pc= princomp(A);
A_pca= (A - repmat(AMean,[n 1])) * pc(1:k,:)';
A_pca_cpu = gather(A_pca);
A= rand(30000,32*24);
AMean = mean(A);
[n m] = size(A)
pc= princomp(A);
A_pca= (A - repmat(AMean,[n 1])) * pc(1:k,:)';
Working faster, but it's not suitable for big matrices, maybe I'm wrong?
If I use big matrix it gives me
Error using gpuArray Out of memory on device.
documentations states: "COEFF (yourpc
variable) is a p-by-p matrix, each column containing coefficients for one principal component." and you are using the rows... nope, your projection is wrong. And besides given your usingprincomp
you might as well ask to return two arguments and get your projections immediately. $\endgroup$