I am running this model using lme4:
RT4.model = glmer(RTs ~ conditionStimuli + sequenceTrials + (conditionStimuli + sequenceTrials || Num_part)
, data = data_RTs_go
, family=inverse.gaussian(link="identity")
, control=glmerControl(optimizer="bobyqa"
, optCtrl=list(maxfun=1e6))
conditionStimuli has 3 levels, while sequenceTrials has 2 levels.
When I run the summary() function I obtain this:
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 491.549 7.704 63.803 < 2e-16 ***
conditionStimulishapes -31.780 6.404 -4.962 6.96e-07 ***
conditionStimulileaves -27.639 7.659 -3.609 0.000307 ***
sequenceTrialsNGG 15.794 4.808 3.285 0.001020 **
How do I interpret the (Intercept), given that (I suppose) is obtained using one level of conditionStimuli and one of SequenceTrials? Is it interesting/useful to interpret? Regarding random effects, I describe precisely the structure of the model, do I have to report the values of the random effects as well?
Then, I use the car::Anova and emmeans functions to obtain the estimates and p value for the fixed effects.
Thank you,
here is an example of the data:
Num_part trial_type Go_type conditionStimuli ITI_ms response RTs correctResponse order_pres sequenceTrials sdt
2 1 Go Bent leaves 819 1 301 1 1 NGG 1
3 1 Go Bent leaves 771 1 237 1 1 GG 1
4 1 Go Bent leaves 1086 1 393 1 1 GG 1
5 1 Go Straight leaves 652 1 331 1 1 GG 1
7 1 Go Bent leaves 919 1 372 1 1 NGG 1
9 1 Go Straight leaves 802 1 359 1 1 NGG 1