I am currently trying to run a regression working out the change in the mental well-being of ethnic individuals in a set of countries after a migration policy was imposed. I have two waves of data, one before the policy and one after the policy. Essentially the control group are non-ethnic individuals in the countries while the treatment group are the ethnic individuals in the country. The model is:
where $Country$ is the name of the country analysed, $Ethnic$ is a dummy variable for whether the individual is an ethnic = 1 or non-ethnic = 0, $PostPolicy$ is for the individuals interviewed in the second period, after the policy had been placed (1 if in second wave and 0 otherwise).
Given this the coefficient of interest is $\delta_6$ as it shows the difference in the well-being of ethnic and non-ethnic individuals after the policy had been imposed. It captures the difference-in-difference-in-differences.
I wondered whether my model makes sense and whether the regression is correct.