I am a bit stuck with the use of linear mixed models and its random effects in a twin study analysis. What I have is microbiome data for twins that are from MZ twin pairs and DZ twin pairs, so no other subjects than complete twins.
I want to see differences between microbiome signatures in MZ vs DZ twin pairs and I was modelling following model for Shannon diversity:
alpha_divLMM <- lmer(Shannon~ Age+Gender+BMI+Antibiotics+VegetableIntake+FruitIntake+ Zygosity + ind +(1|pair), data=tw_sample_df)
where "ind" refers to either "individual1" or "individual2" in the twin-pair, and "pair" indicating which pair the twin is assigned to as a fixed effect.
However, I am not sure whether this is correct? I plotted "qqnorm" and "qqline" using this model of above, and it is not what it should look like: there is no heteroscedasticity or normality in the residuals. So where am I wrong? I found also in an article: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-07632-3#data-availability that they also include zygosity as random effect? they model this as follows: y ~ age+BMI+(1|shipmentNumber) + (0 +dummy(Zygosity, "MZ") | IndividualFamilyID) + (0+dummy(Zygosity, "DZ") |IndividualFamilyID) From their github: https://github.com/fnew/New_et_al_2021 , I think this individualFamily ID represents the identifier for the individual itself, but I'm not sure. How do I interpret this setup?
Any help is much appreciated!
thank you!