let's say I am classifying time series data from multiple channels in a biomedical setup (e.g. 12 lead ECG).
I have been reading this paper on a CNN-based (ResNet) architecture for assesing the quality of a foetal ECG, where each channel is fed into a seperate network and finally concatenated to be fed into a classifier (MLP), as shown below:
My question is this, I could see the merit in doing this task in this manner with separate flows, but I am curious as to why one could not concatenate the spectrograms and have that one BIG image-like object flow through a bigger CNN? This can be done in a depth wise fashion, so the dim'n would be (height, width, channels) or make a big image. Is it simply because then the model would learn features specific to each channel in a more efficient way by having a seperate flow for each channel? then why can't we just have more filters in a bigger CNN looking at the bigger concatenated spectrograms? What more advantages are there in this kind of approach of having separate flows for each channel? My intuition about the computational resources is the bigger model would have close to the same number of parameters/Flops as the separate channel model as well, am I correct?