I am trying to analyse the effect of season (autumn or summer) on frog sperm cell concentration (continuous, expressed as cells/ml). Because I don't know if there is an effect of male variation I want to run a model with a random effect. My data is not normally distributed, and the residuals are not random.
I think I need to run a Kruskal Wallis Test with a random effect, but cannot find the solution anywhere. Please help.
We originally had:
m1 <- lmer(cellsml ~ Season + (1 | male), data=data2, na.action=na.omit)
We can run this function:
kruskal.test(cellsml~Season, data=data2)
But we cannot run this function:
kruskal.test(cellsml~Season + (1|male), data=data2)
Any ideas? Thank you in advance!