It's hard to see how you can compare two models in terms of CPUs, GPUs, RAM, ... if the only information you have is the number of parameters. You can run the same model on hardware with very different cost and running time (different number and type of instances for example) while the accuracy remains the same.
In practice you would distinguish between optimizing metrics and satisficing metrics. Your budget can determine the satisficing metrics price and time. Among models with acceptable cost and running time, you will pick the best model in terms of the optimising metric.
See Andrew Ng's Machine Learning Yearning book.
Information critera such as AIC and BIC are defined as likelihood + penalty. Basically, if the model isn't fitted by maximizing a likelihood function, information criteria are not applicable.
Akaike Information Criteria applied on Random Forest
Picking appropriate infrastructure for a given model architecture is not trivial. Training and prediction usually have different constraints and so require different infrastructure. The book Learn Amazon SageMaker has practical advice about optimizing cost and performance. Obviously, it's specific to AWS.