I've been looking for layman-accessible information about implementing the generalised linear regression with a complementary log-log (cloglog) function as survival analysis in R, but couldn't find anything satisfactory.
A similar question has been asked here: link however, I'm still unsure how to use that function on data.
Another question was answered here: link but I don't understand 1) what the offset actually does and why we include it? 2) if this is what I'm looking for: they refer to it as logistic regression, which is not what I'm after. (I don't have enough reputation to comment on those posts).
The dataset I will be using contains information on the screening time and outcome for a diabetes complication, along with other covariates I would like to include (age, sex, etc.). Although it will contain information on multiple screening events, I assume the model should be supplied only with the last interval, outcome and covariates.
Therefore my dataset should look similar to the icenReg
's miceData
How do I build a generalised linear regression model with a complementary log-log function to model survival (time to event) in R? And if possible, how do I extract and interpret the results?
Thanks in advance for your help!
package might be more helpful depending on your data structure, but I've answered your specific question below. $\endgroup$