I understand that in LASSO/Ridge it is best practice to scale covariates so that no single covariate dominates the penalized norm. However, when entering interaction terms, it is unclear whether only the constituent terms should be scaled, or the interaction should be as well. More formally,
Let be $x$ a vector of observations on a covariate and $s()$ be some scaling function, e.g., $s(x) = (x - \bar x)/\sigma_x$. Then:
Method 1: Scale constituent variables only
$\hat E(y) = \hat\beta_1s(x_1) + \hat \beta_2s(x_2) + \hat\beta_3[s(x_1) * s(x_2)]$
Method 2: Scale constituent variables, and interaction
$\hat E(y) = \hat\beta_1s(x_1) + \hat \beta_2s(x_2) + \hat\beta_3s(x_1 * x_2)$
As I see it, Method 1 has the issue that the interaction term is no longer guaranteed to have mean-zero and unit variance, and therefore its coefficient ($\hat\beta_3$) has the potential to be overly- or underly-important in the penalized norm. However, Method 2 has absolutely no interpretability. E.g., $\partial E(y)/\partial s(x_1) \neq \hat\beta_1 + \hat\beta_3 s(x_2)$ and it is not immediately clear what the correct derivative/interpretation is.
So I suppose I'm wondering what people tend to do in this scenario, and why?