I'm currently running a model to determine if people vary in their daily levels of variable Y, and if daily levels of variable X predict daily levels of variable Y. I collected measurements of both X and Y from the same people on multiple days, and I'm using multilevel modeling/HLM.
As a first step, ran a null model, with only the "person" variable predicting the mean of Y using the lme function from the nlme package in R. In the output, I can see a value corresponding to what I think is the between-person variance (the intercept variance), and a value corresponding to the "residual" variance (which I think includes both within-person variance and measurement error). I was wondering if there is a way to distinguish between how much of the residual variance is within-person variance and how much of it is measurement error? Apologies if this is a basic question, I am still quite a beginner with this type of analysis.