Without a control group and without a way for a clinician to say that the test had a "negative impact" on clinical care, I'm a bit torn about providing an answer. With the current design, you are necessarily biased toward finding some "positive impact." The following will also provide some guidance if the design is improved.
Without a control group, your outcome will be the fraction of patients in which the clinician decided that the new test had "positive impact." That's just a binomial proportion, although your study design requires some further consideration described below.
Start with the (unrealistic) assumption that the "positive impact" determinations are independent of each other. You calculate the fraction of "positive impact" cases at the end of the study. Whether that ends up being 10% or 20% or 40%, that's a point estimate of the fraction regardless of sample size.
The sample size has to do with how closely you want to estimate that fraction, typically evaluated with the confidence interval (CI) around the point estimate. There are several ways to calculate CI for binomial proportions. The binconf()
function in the R Hmisc
package provides 3 of them. For example, if you have a 20% "positive impact" among 100 patients, your 95% CI (the default) would be estimated as:
# PointEst Lower Upper
# Exact 0.2 0.1266556 0.2918427
# Wilson 0.2 0.1333669 0.2888292
# Asymptotic 0.2 0.1216014 0.2783986
Are those limits narrow enough? If not, see what happens with more cases at the same estimated "positive impact":
# PointEst Lower Upper
# Exact 0.2 0.1658001 0.2377918
# Wilson 0.2 0.1672855 0.2372891
# Asymptotic 0.2 0.1649391 0.2350609
Proceed similarly for any combination of sample size and assumed "positive impact."
The assumption of independent assessments probably isn't wise here. Clinicians are likely to differ in their tendency to call a "positive impact"; your model needs to take that into account in some way. If you have 6 or more clinicians you could extend this to a binomial (logistic) regression with the clinicians as a random (intercept) effect. That can be implemented, for example, via the lmer()
function in the R lme4
In that situation you would be wise to simulate large data sets based on assumptions about the "positive impact" overall and about how much clinicians will differ in terms of assigning a "positive impact." Then sample from those data sets repeatedly (allowing for differences among clinicians in the numbers of cases) and perform your binomial regression on each sample to get an idea of how narrow your confidence intervals will be.