I am trying to understand more about the parametrization of random effects in lme4
models. For example, from this model:
data(Machines, package="MEMSS")
m <- lmer(score ~ Machine + (Machine|Worker), Machines)
I can extract the variance-covariance matrix for the random effects using VarCorr(m)$Worker
and I obtain the following
(Intercept) MachineB MachineC
(Intercept) 16.639159 11.602394 -5.497988
MachineB 11.602394 34.554029 6.431676
MachineC -5.497988 6.431676 13.616956
From this answer I understand that internally the random are parametrized as the vector $\theta$, which should be the columwise unpacking of the lower triangular Cholesky factor. So I naively thought that I could transform the matrix above into the vector theta doing something like the following:
VarCov2Theta <- function(X){
X <- t(chol(X))
X_unpacked <- X[lower.tri(X, diag=T)]
However the values are slightly different:
> VarCov2Theta(VarCorr(m)$Worker)
[1] 4.079113 2.844343 -1.347839 5.144292 1.995492 2.796122
> unname(getME(m, "theta"))
[1] 4.242177 2.958047 -1.401720 5.349938 2.075262 2.907898
Clearly I am missing something; I am also unable to recover the variance-covariance matrix from the factors
> getME(m, "ST")$Worker %*% t(getME(m, "ST")$Worker)
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 17.996065 2.958047 -1.401720
[2,] 2.958047 29.108053 1.844859
[3,] -1.401720 1.844859 8.715522
What am I missing here?
Could anyone shed some light on this and show me how to calculate the variance-covariance matrix from the $\theta$ and vice-versa?