A name: first, possibly a middle, and surname.
I'm curious about how much information you can mine out of a name, using publicly available datasets. I know that you can get the following with anywhere between a low-high probability (depending on the input) using US census data: 1) Gender. 2) Race.
Facebook for instance, used exactly that to find out, with a decent level of accuracy, the racial distribution of users of their site (https://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=205925658858).
What else can be mined? I'm not looking for anything specific, this is a very open-ended question to assuage my curiousity.
My examples are US specific, so we'll assume that the name is the name of someone located in the US; but, if someone knows of publicly available datasets for other countries, I'm more than open to them too.
I'm not quite sure if this is the right place for this, if it's not, I'd appreciate if someone could point me to a more appropriate place.
I hope this is an interesting question, and this is the appropriate place!