I need help fixing the model I landed on through backwards step-wise elimination. I chose a negative binomial model because my variance seems much larger than the mean, with random intercepts from the variable "Site" because my sampling scheme has a repeated measures design (fish counts recorded at the same sites each season/year). I wasn't sure how to make a reproducible dataframe as there are 1000+ rows of data - I attached a subsample of 10 rows to give an idea.
Prior to modelling question: Should SAV (% cover = 0->100) be arcsine transformed for this model?
Main question: I'm not sure what to do about outliers and potential dispersion (p=0.064). After fitting the model, I tried adding "~Site" to the dispformula, but this resulted in model convergence problems. I'm also not sure why my model summaries don't show the random effects section, was this entered correctly?
Zero-inflation doesn't seem to be a problem.
My data (CYR = calendar year, num = count of fish):
> str(toad)
'data.frame': 1262 obs. of 16 variables:
$ use_for_analysis: chr "Standard" "Standard" "Standard" "Standard" ...
$ CYR : int 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 ...
$ Season : chr "DRY" "DRY" "DRY" "DRY" ...
$ Month : int 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
$ Site : Factor w/ 47 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 1 ...
$ area_sampled : int 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ...
$ common_name : chr "Gulf Toadfish" "Gulf Toadfish" "Gulf Toadfish" "Gulf Toadfish" ...
$ num : int 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ...
$ den : num 0 0 0 0 0 ...
$ occur : int 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ...
$ temp : num 23.3 23.7 22.8 22.6 22.7 ...
$ sal : num 30.7 30.9 30.2 30 29.8 ...
$ DO : num 6.18 7.56 5.62 5.85 6.49 6.29 5.21 5.36 6.66 5.9 ...
$ sed_depth : num 23 48 12 32 43 45 49 32 23 90 ...
$ water_depth : num 80 72 98 95 97 85 78 90 58 74 ...
$ SAV : num 85.6 53.8 81.6 71.8 91.5 ...
# Variance not equal to the mean
> var(toad$num)
[1] 1.97994
> mean(toad$num)
[1] 0.3716323
toad_example <- toad %>% dplyr::select(CYR, Season, Month, Site, area_sampled, num, temp,
sal, DO, sed_depth, water_depth, SAV)
# Randomly selected rows for display purposes (N = 1262 rows)
toad_example <- toad_example[sample(nrow(toad_example), 10), ]
CYR Season Month Site area_sampled num temp sal DO sed_depth water_depth SAV
1476 2020 WET 9 8 3 0 30.30 20.55 7.83 8 65 93.5
1527 2021 WET 9 40 3 0 28.80 24.28 4.83 37 117 53.5
577 2011 DRY 1 16 3 0 23.43 27.32 9.05 44 78 98.0
668 2012 DRY 1 43 3 0 20.45 25.74 7.17 37 58 87.0
864 2014 DRY 3 36 3 0 22.40 17.31 8.26 61 80 34.0
507 2010 DRY 1 24 3 0 20.41 23.67 8.65 51 20 45.5
1180 2017 DRY 3 45 3 1 23.20 19.87 7.42 95 80 94.0
861 2014 DRY 3 33 3 1 22.40 18.50 9.98 14 75 52.0
506 2010 DRY 1 23 3 0 20.08 23.41 9.55 31 35 49.0
808 2013 WET 9 47 3 1 30.70 24.88 6.45 79 71 79.5
Original model:
full <- glmmTMB(num ~ temp + sal + DO + sed_depth + water_depth +
SAV + CYR*Season + (1|Site) + offset(area_sampled),
family=nbinom1, toad)
# Warning message: In (function (start, objective, gradient = NULL, hessian = NULL,:
# NA/NaN function evaluation
> summary(full) # AIC 1599.9
Family: nbinom1 ( log )
Formula: num ~ temp + sal + DO + sed_depth + water_depth + SAV + CYR *
Season + (1 | Site) + offset(area_sampled)
Data: toad
AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
1599.9 1661.6 -788.0 1575.9 1250
Random effects:
Conditional model:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
Site (Intercept) 0.3403 0.5834
Number of obs: 1262, groups: Site, 47
Dispersion parameter for nbinom1 family (): 2.18
Conditional model:
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -3.324e+02 7.549e+01 -4.403 1.07e-05 ***
temp -3.557e-02 4.003e-02 -0.889 0.3742
sal 1.027e-02 1.041e-02 0.987 0.3238
DO 7.336e-02 3.667e-02 2.001 0.0454 *
sed_depth 6.846e-03 2.976e-03 2.300 0.0214 *
water_depth 1.725e-03 4.120e-03 0.419 0.6755
SAV 2.800e-02 4.150e-03 6.748 1.50e-11 ***
CYR 1.615e-01 3.762e-02 4.293 1.76e-05 ***
SeasonWET 4.182e+02 8.526e+01 4.904 9.38e-07 ***
CYR:SeasonWET -2.070e-01 4.224e-02 -4.899 9.62e-07 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Step-wise elimintion:
reduced <- glmmTMB(num ~ sal + DO + sed_depth + water_depth +
SAV + CYR*Season + (1|Site) + offset(area_sampled),
family=nbinom1, toad)
summary(reduced) # AIC 1598.7
reduced2 <- glmmTMB(num ~ DO + sed_depth + water_depth + SAV +
CYR*Season + (1|Site) + offset(area_sampled),
family=nbinom1, toad)
summary(reduced2) # AIC 1597.3
reduced3 <- glmmTMB(num ~ DO + sed_depth + SAV + CYR*Season + (1|Site) +
offset(area_sampled), family=nbinom1, toad)
summary(reduced3) # 1595.8
reduced4 <- glmmTMB(num ~ sed_depth + SAV + CYR*Season + (1|Site) +
offset(area_sampled), family=nbinom1, toad)
summary(reduced4) # AIC 1596.9 (reduced3 is slightly better)
Final model:
final <- glmmTMB(num ~ DO + sed_depth + SAV + CYR*Season +
(1|Site) + offset(area_sampled), family=nbinom1, toad)
> summary(final)
Family: nbinom1 ( log )
Formula: num ~ DO + sed_depth + SAV + CYR * Season + (1 | Site) + offset(area_sampled)
Data: toad
AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
1595.8 1642.1 -788.9 1577.8 1253
Random effects:
Conditional model:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
Site (Intercept) 0.3549 0.5958
Number of obs: 1262, groups: Site, 47
Dispersion parameter for nbinom1 family (): 2.2
Conditional model:
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -3.054e+02 6.641e+01 -4.599 4.24e-06 ***
DO 6.258e-02 3.528e-02 1.774 0.0761 .
sed_depth 6.814e-03 2.992e-03 2.277 0.0228 *
SAV 2.803e-02 4.150e-03 6.754 1.44e-11 ***
CYR 1.479e-01 3.286e-02 4.501 6.77e-06 ***
SeasonWET 3.803e+02 7.735e+01 4.916 8.84e-07 ***
CYR:SeasonWET -1.883e-01 3.837e-02 -4.907 9.23e-07 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
simulationOutput <- simulateResiduals(final)
plotResiduals(simulationOutput, main=NULL)
testOutliers(simulationOutput, type = 'bootstrap')
> testDispersion(simulationOutput, type = "DHARMa")
DHARMa nonparametric dispersion test via sd of residuals fitted vs. simulated
data: simulationOutput
dispersion = 1.4687, p-value = 0.064
alternative hypothesis: two.sided
> testZeroInflation(simulationOutput, plot = T)
DHARMa zero-inflation test via comparison to expected zeros with simulation under H0 = fitted
data: simulationOutput
ratioObsSim = 0.99281, p-value = 0.728
alternative hypothesis: two.sided
This model worked better. I had to include Year (categorical) as a random effect to capture the relatedness of observations within years, and use Year (continuous) as a fixed effect to capture any trends in abundance over time.
Additionally, even though sample effort doesn't differ by year, I needed an offset term, because area needs to be logged (negative binomial uses a log-link function and this keeps the units consistent with what is happening to the count).
*Not sure if I need to "center" the variables (grand mean or cluster) or include an optimizer though..
reduced4 <- glmmTMB(num ~ DO + SAV + CYR*Season + (1|Site) +
(1|as.factor(CYR)) + offset(log(area_sampled)),
family=nbinom1, toad)
> summary(reduced4) # AIC 1568.0 (reduced3 is slightly better)
Family: nbinom1 ( log )
Formula: num ~ DO + SAV + CYR * Season + (1 | Site) + (1 | as.factor(CYR)) +
Data: toad
AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
1568.0 1614.2 -775.0 1550.0 1253
Random effects:
Conditional model:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
Site (Intercept) 0.5014 0.7081
as.factor(CYR) (Intercept) 0.2309 0.4805
Number of obs: 1262, groups: Site, 47; as.factor(CYR), 15
Dispersion parameter for nbinom1 family (): 1.88
Conditional model:
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -2.521e+02 9.091e+01 -2.773 0.00555 **
DO 7.934e-02 3.800e-02 2.088 0.03683 *
SAV 3.047e-02 4.515e-03 6.748 1.49e-11 ***
CYR 1.223e-01 4.506e-02 2.714 0.00664 **
SeasonWET 3.568e+02 8.365e+01 4.265 2.00e-05 ***
CYR:SeasonWET -1.766e-01 4.150e-02 -4.256 2.08e-05 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1