We keep on getting questions here about selecting ARIMA model orders based on ACF/PACF plots. This is the older methodology proposed by Box and Jenkins.
More modern tools like the auto.arima()
function in the forecast
package for R or ARIMA()
in the fable
package instead use a grid search over different orders and select the one that optimizes an information criterion. I highly respect the creators and maintainers of these packages and consider them among the best informed forecasters in the world.
Per Hyndman & Athanasopoulos (Rob Hyndman is the maintainer of the packages above), ACF/PACF plots can't be used to select orders if both the AR and the MA order are nonzero.
In the comments, Richard Hardy points to Shumway & Stoffer, Time Series Analysis and Its Application with R examples. This is a prime example of the way I often see the Box-Jenkins approach taught in textbooks: the process seems to involve a lot of decisions that are based on expertise (or, uncharitably described, arbitrariness), like what it means for a (P)ACF to decay "quickly" or not, whether variance "is changing" or not, and this seems to be very hard to automate, especially for larger sets of multiple time series. Overall, this advice seems to be most problematic for people who are just starting out with time series analysis, and who therefore IMO would be best served with an automated approach as the one referenced above.
Thus, I am confused why people would still use, teach and propagate the older Box-Jenkins method, rather than use a grid search using information criteria. I suspect this is just due to people perpetuating old and superseded advice.
Question: is there any published research on any benefits of a Box-Jenkins approach (however automated) over optimizing information criteria?
Related: Selecting ARIMA orders based on ACF-PACF vs. auto.arima, and actually almost all threads with the box-jenkins tag.
. Somewhere on his website (or perhaps also in the textbook) he had an example where a more Box-Jenkins-like approach does a better job thanauto.arima
on the popular air passengers dataset. Sorry for not remembering where exactly I read that, but here is a starting point. (This does not really answer the question, so I am posting it as a comment.) $\endgroup$AirPassengers
dataset is mentioned is Example 3.49, which illustrates using (P)ACF to narrow the model space down to two possible ARIMA models on differenced-and-seasonally-differenced-logged data, among which they choose using information criteria. Nothing aboutauto.arima()
here. (What I am unhappy about is that they discuss forecasting the logged series, but nowhere in the book do they address the back-transformation and the bias correction, at least not that I see.) $\endgroup$