I am running an ancova, dv= "usc", between var=group, covariate = gender.
I am not sure if i should use * or + in my formula. also, if i wanted to add another covariate (say education), how would i do it.
my goal is to show that usc is different between groups when controlling for gender as well (and also add education after)
anova_test(data = variables_oaya, formula = usc ~ gender*group, wid = sub, type = 3, detailed = TRUE)
ANOVA Table (type III tests)
Effect SSn SSd DFn DFd F p p<.05 ges
1 (Intercept) 2275.403 9834.35 1 216 49.977 2.12e-11 * 0.188000
2 gender 2.062 9834.35 1 216 0.045 8.32e-01 0.000210
3 group 1393.779 9834.35 1 216 30.613 9.07e-08 * 0.124000
4 gender:group 5.962 9834.35 1 216 0.131 7.18e-01 0.000606
when the interaction * is used, my gender p val is 0.832
however when i use +, gender p val is 0.097
anova_test(data = variables_oaya, formula = usc ~ gender+group, wid = sub, type = 3, detailed = TRUE)
ANOVA Table (type III tests)
Effect SSn SSd DFn DFd F p p<.05 ges
1 (Intercept) 4631.424 9840.313 1 217 102.133 6.33e-20 * 0.320
2 gender 125.752 9840.313 1 217 2.773 9.70e-02 0.013
3 group 3243.704 9840.313 1 217 71.531 4.03e-15 * 0.248
so my question is how do i know which one is right??i dont fully understand the model/math so im sorry if this is a silly q