I have GPS data on animal movements from 3 populations which record their position every hour. My hypothesis is that the 3 populations have distinct movement characteristics. I think a random forest would be a good way to determine this.
My issue is that I can generate metrics on different temporal scales. For instance, I can measure daily displacements but also monthly displacements, both of which would be informative.
The random forests I've seen seem to have covariates on the same scale though, so I was wondering if it's possible to combine them into the same model?
My data would look something like this though with a lot more covariates and of course I could have multiple daily distance measures:
ID daily_dist1 daily_dist2 monthly_dist population
bird1 4 4 13 1
bird1 6 5 67 1
bird2 3 6 34 1
bird2 4 7 64 1
bird3 6 3 75 2
bird3 6 2 13 2
bird4 4 2 56 3
bird4 1 5 56 3